Become A Reviewer

Want to be an AER Accreditation Program reviewer?

AER accreditation reviewers evaluate programs against a set of quality standards. These programs can include higher education programs; or schools and agencies that provide direct services.

If you are interested in serving as an accreditation program reviewer, click the links below:

Becoming a Reviewer
Reviewer Profile

Study Materials to Become a Reviewer for Higher Education Accreditation
Accreditation Policy and Procedures Manual
AER Test for HEAC Panel Members
Code of Ethics
Handbook – Higher Education Accreditation
Guidelines for Reviewers - How the HEAC Panel Functions (updated 12/13/2023)
Reviewer Training HEAC (updated 11/14/2023)

Study Materials to Become a Reviewer for Organizations and Schools

Accreditation Policy and Procedures Manual
Code of Ethics
Handbook – Organizations
Guidelines for Reviewers
Reviewer Training for Agencies & Specialized Schools
Test for Organizations Review Panel Members

For Additional Information Contact: [email protected]