Northern Rockies AER

Northern Rockies Chapter
4825 Lower Miller Creek Road
Missoula, MT  59803

President:  Barb Peterson, [email protected]
Past President: Leslie Vanorman, [email protected]
President-Elect: Suzie Mahon, [email protected]
Secretary: Ann Hammerquist, [email protected]
Treasurer: Jocelyn DeHaas, [email protected]
Idaho Rep: Tina Johnson, [email protected]
Montana Rep: Michelle Cross, [email protected]
Wyoming Rep: Laurel Henry, [email protected]
Social Media: Amy Tangen, [email protected]
Parliamentarian: Brian Darcy, [email protected]

We can help you!

  • find a job in vision in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming
  • become trained or certified to get a job in vision in one of our states.
  • remain certified or up-to-date on your training.
  • find information about training and services for visually impaired children and adults.